When do you require to consider rekeying a lock? There are a number of situations where it is imperative to have locks rekeyed. If you have just shifted into a residence, you’ll feel more secure with a rekeyed door. You may not know how many of the old keys are out there so rekeying is the safest and most secure alternative after buying a new residence. Even if the residence was built by a construction company, there can be special keys which the building crew used and which will still open the residential door. Why take a chance?
There are also times when you might feel intimidated or in danger. Perhaps you have gone through a painful divorce, one which came after you’d suffered domestic abuse. Get the locks rekeyed and you won’t wonder if your spouse can immediately appear on your doorstep. If you are single and feel harassed or you have dated somebody who seems threatening or intimidating, you can have equanimity if the locks are rekeyed.

But be sure you choose a locksmith San Francisco. This point can’t be emphasized enough, particularly when frustrated homeowners try to rekey locks themselves. This can not only result in a broken lock but the extra costs of calling somebody to fix that lock.
There are several more reasons to consider rekeying a lock. If you have had keys made for your residence but you can’t account for them, rekeying could be an astute move, particularly compared to the costs of a new lock. If you’ve recently shifted into a new home, consider having the locks rekeyed in every room.
If you are moving to an apartment, ensure the law is followed and you have rekeyed locks on your door. The proprietor should be responsible for this. If your residence was targeted for a break in, you can feel the trauma days and weeks afterward. You might feel less panicky if your doors are protected and locks are rekeyed. If you’ve lost your key, don’t assume this is safer than having them stolen from your vehicle. Experienced intruders can find out where you live.